Mental Health

Top 8 ways to live a happy life

No matter how you define real happiness, a happier, more contented existence is attainable. A few changes to your routine might benefit you.

You can get there by making a few adjustments to your daily routines.

Habits are important. If you’ve ever tried to kick a terrible habit, you are well aware of how deeply ingrained it is.

Good behaviors are also ingrained in us profoundly. Why not try to include good habits in your daily routine?

Here are some daily, monthly, and annual habits to get you started on your mission. Just keep in mind that everyone’s definition of happiness and method for getting there varies slightly. Get rid of any of these behaviors that increase stress or don’t match your lifestyle. You’ll discover what functions for you and what doesn’t with some time and effort.

1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle


Adults are advised to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical exercise per week by the Department of Health and Human Services. Exercise reduces stress and tension, builds endurance and muscular strength, and makes your body more effective at other physical activities. Frequent exercise can enhance happiness and self-esteem while lowering stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. It’s crucial to avoid overexerting oneself since even a little bit of physical exercise can have an impact(1). Think about beginning your workout regimen with these suggestions: walking around the block after dinner every night, enrolling in a yoga or tai chi beginner’s class, and beginning each day with five minutes of stretching. Go back to any enjoyable past times you had. (2)

Get plenty of sleep

The majority of humans require at least 7 hours of sleep every night for their health, cognitive performance, and emotional well-being. Also, getting adequate sleep lowers the chance of acquiring chronic conditions like diabetes, depression, and heart disease. One of the finest things you can do to prepare yourself for a productive, invigorated day is to prioritize sleep. Examine your sleeping habits and make note of how much you sleep each night, the things that affect how much or how little you sleep, how refreshed you feel, and how much energy you have during the day to enhance the quality of your sleep(3).

It’s crucial to develop a regular nighttime routine, reduce light and noise, manage stress, and switch off electronics to enhance the quality of your sleep. Use an app to track your sleep, set a bedtime and wake-up time that you stick to every day, save the hour before bed for quiet time, avoid heavy eating and drinking, make your bedroom dark, cold, and quiet, invest in decent bedding, and speak with a doctor if you routinely have trouble sleeping. These techniques can enhance the quality of your sleep and aid in the development of your body’s internal alarm clock(4).

Eat a balanced diet

For optimal health, a balanced, nutritious diet is necessary. The 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that for optimum energy, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, low-fat dairy, and whole grains is necessary. To receive a variety of nutrients that will provide you with energy throughout the day, eat meals from all the dietary categories. Dopamine and norepinephrine, which increase energy and focus, are released by protein-rich diets. Your general brain health benefits from the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids.

Both missing meals and eating foods that have been heavily processed or fried are likely to make you feel sad. Consider starting by choosing one food based on your mood each day and adding in a new food switch each time you want to eat with your mood in mind.

2. Be positive

Practice gratitude

Starting each day by expressing gratitude for one item is crucial since doing so may significantly improve sentiments of optimism and joy. Look for positive things in your life as you go about your day, such as knowing that someone loves you or receiving a promotion that you deserve. You could even improve your awareness of all the good things around you with a little practice.

Acknowledge the unhappy moments

Although having an optimistic outlook is vital, awful things may happen to everyone. Do not attempt to appear to be joyful if you feel down. Instead, notice the emotion and turn your attention to what caused it and what it might take for you to feel better. Exercises like deep breathing, going on a stroll outside, or discussing it with someone might be helpful. Nobody is always happy, keep that in mind.

3. Practice the healthy habit

Keep a journal

A journal is a fantastic tool for planning, mental organization, and emotional analysis. It may be as easy as writing down a few ideas before going to sleep, and if writing down certain things makes you anxious, you can always shred it. Not sure how to handle your feelings? Our emotional organization checklist may be useful.

Face stress head-on

There are many pressures in life, but they don’t have to be avoided. We may alter our perspectives on stress such that it serves us. Remind ourselves that everyone experiences stress and that we are more resilient than we realize when faced with pressures that we cannot ignore. Try to confront the stressor head-on instead of letting it overwhelm you, even if it necessitates an awkward conversation or additional effort. The pit in your stomach can start to lessen the sooner you face it.

Avoid comparing yourself to others

Making comparisons to other people can increase dissatisfaction, undermine self-worth, and even cause despair and anxiety. Deep breathing exercises, writing, consulting with a therapist for perspective, and doing these things will help you stop comparing yourself to other people.

Plan your week

To help you relax, try creating a list after each week. Even a sticky note on your computer or a piece of scratch paper in your pocket might be helpful. You can purchase a planner or an app. Even if you don’t follow through with the plan, scheduling time to do laundry, go grocery shopping, or focus on assignments at the office might be beneficial.

4. Turn off the electronics and get into nature

Once a week, unplug your phone and remove the earphones for at least an hour to lessen the negative effects of continuous phone usage on your mood and brain. You might be shocked by the difference it makes if it’s been a long since you disconnected. You can relax by reading, doing meditation, going for a stroll, interacting with others, or just being by yourself. Be still.

Get into nature

Being outside for at least 30 minutes a week can help decrease blood pressure and prevent depression. Green places may be anything, like a park, a backyard, or a rooftop garden. Exercise outside is also beneficial. According to research, people were more willing to exercise more regularly and for longer periods when they spent time in green areas.

5. Do good to others

Give a compliment

Sincere compliments are a wonderful way to make someone’s day and increase your pleasure. It is crucial to make eye contact, smile while saying it, and do it courteously. According to research, being kind to others might help foster overall well-being (5).


Smiling is associated with pleasure because it triggers the release of dopamine, which uplifts our mood. This is because of the “facial feedback theory,” which suggests that emotions may be somewhat influenced by a person’s facial expressions. Try grinning at yourself in the mirror when you’re feeling down to verify this theory.

See friends

Humans are primarily social creatures, and research indicates that social connections may increase happiness. It might be challenging to meet new acquaintances as an adult, but maintaining meaningful connections is crucial. To meet locals who share your interests, stay in touch with those you miss, plan a get-together, or enroll in a course. Pets may provide equal advantages to people in terms of companionship, so it’s not only restricted to human beings. If you’re unable to get a pet, consider helping out at a nearby animal shelter to meet some new people(6).

Give back

Consider making assisting others more of a monthly habit if you find that complementing others frequently makes you feel better. Maybe you could volunteer at a food bank on the third weekend of the month, or offer to watch your friend’s kids for one evening each month.

Let go of grudges

The most crucial information in this text is that forgiving someone or letting go of a grudge has more to do with self-care than it does with compassion for others. You could be more receptive to starting the process if you take stock of your interpersonal connections. Consider reaching out to the person you are angry at to put the past behind you. It’s possible to terminate the relationship in this way and go on without having to seek reconciliation. If talking to someone is not an option, consider writing a letter to express your thoughts. You can even trash the letter later if you want to. It might be liberating to get your sentiments out to the public(7).

6. Do a mental exercise

Explore meditation

Movement, concentration, spirituality, or a mix of the three can all be used during meditation. It might be as easy as spending five minutes alone with your thoughts, or as difficult as doing deep breathing exercises.

Consider therapy

When faced with a challenge, think about scheduling weekly consultations with a mental health specialist. There is no commitment to continue once you begin working with a mental health professional to enhance coping skills. You may fill your emotional toolkit with fresh goods with just a few sessions.

Breathe deeply

According to research, deep breathing exercises and slow breathing can both lower stress. To do this, close your eyes, focus on a pleasant moment or stunning location, inhale deeply with your nose, and exhale gently through your mouth or nose. Continue doing this until you feel yourself beginning to settle down. If you find it difficult to breathe slowly and deliberately, try mentally counting to five with each inhalation and exhalation.

Take time to reflect

Beginning a new year is an excellent opportunity to evaluate your life and establish regular routines. Asking yourself how you are doing, what you have been up to, and whether you are happier now than you were a year ago will help you catch up with yourself. Consider speaking with a doctor or mental health expert if you discover that your mood hasn’t significantly improved over the past year.

7. Live a purposeful life

 Reevaluate your goals

Consider where you’re going and whether you still want to go there because people change over time. It’s acceptable to alter your plans.

Even if they seem good on paper, let rid of any objectives that are no longer beneficial to you.

8. love yourself

Find a self-care ritual

Consider where you’re going and whether you still want to go there because people change over time. It’s acceptable to alter your plans.

Even if they seem good on paper, let rid of any objectives that are no longer beneficial to you.

Take care of your body

Maintaining your physical and mental health requires regular checkups, such as annual physicals with your primary care physician, discussions and treatment of any chronic health concerns with a healthcare provider, and visits to the dentist for a dental cleaning and examination.

Take yourself out

You don’t have a date? What law prohibits you from going out alone, then? Think of going to your favorite restaurant, seeing a movie, or taking the vacation you’ve always wanted to take. Even if you’re a social butterfly, taking some time to yourself might help you rediscover the things that make you genuinely happy.

Plan a trip

Research has shown that taking time off may be beneficial for both mental and physical health. Time off is crucial for well-being. According to one research, going on vacation lowers stress and heart rate, and the weeks before it had a similar impact(8).


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