
Benefits of cutting out sugar

You probably know that sugar is bad for you, but do you know how much you eat? For many of us, the answer is too much. In the UK, for example, 140 teaspoons are consumed per person per week.

You will find natural sugar in many foods – it happens like fructose in fruit and like lactose in milk, for example. But many processed foods, such as sweets, cakes, and biscuits, contain a lot of extra sugar. And taking too much sugar for too long can put you at risk of health problems, including weight gain, tooth decay, and conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

So read on to find out the potential benefits of cutting out too much sugar – and tips to help you do it.

You will have less tooth decay

The more sugar you pass through your lips, the more bacteria in your mouth produce acid – and over time, this can lead to tooth decay.

The natural sugars of fruits and vegetables are less likely to cause tooth decay, as they are contained within the food chain. But remember that when you mix them with juice or a smoothie, a sugar that can damage teeth is released – so it’s best to drink them regularly.

And while dried fruit can be a great way to crave something delicious, it is still very sweet. It is better to brush your teeth as part of your diet than to eat them – try adding them to your breakfast cereal, for example.

It will help you maintain a healthy weight

If you eat too much sugar, your body will probably take in more energy (calories) than you can consume – which can lead to obesity and obesity.

Cutting down on sugary foods – as well as the sugar found in syrups, honey, and juice – can reduce your calorie intake and help you maintain a healthy weight. Try to get more calories from starchy foods like potatoes, rice, and pasta (choose wholegrain varieties), fruits, and vegetables.

Maintaining a healthy weight can also help you avoid serious health problems, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The less you have, the less you will crave

Here’s an interesting fact: the more successful you cut the sugar, the less you will want it. As you begin to reduce the amount of sugar you consume, your craving will gradually increase – which will make it easier to cut it out permanently.

You will avoid the ‘danger’ of post-sugar

When you eat something sugary, sugar gets into your bloodstream and expels its energy faster than when you eat other foods, which need to be broken down. This gives you a quick burst of energy, often referred to as ‘sugar rush’.

However, after this ‘rush’, the next weight loss can leave you feeling tired and lazy. This can lead to a lack of function, as well as cravings for caffeine or extra sugar. Cutting food with extra sugar will help you avoid this rise and low energy.

It will reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Eating too much sugar can cause the buildup of glucose in your blood, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.

This is because whenever you eat sugar, your body releases a hormone called insulin to control your blood sugar levels. But if this happens too often, your body will stop responding to insulin. The result: high blood sugar and a higher risk of diabetes.

As well as cutting out sugar, you can reduce your chances of type 2 diabetes by exercising and maintaining a healthy weight, as obesity can also affect how well insulin works.

It will reduce the risk of heart disease

Putting too much weight on eating too much sugar can eventually lead to heart disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide.

Changes in diet and lifestyle can help reduce your risk – as well as lower your blood sugar, you can exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet and quit smoking.

How to eliminate sugar from your diet?

Now that you know the benefits of cutting sugar, how do you eliminate it from your diet? You can try:

  • sugary foods in healthy ways, such as adding fresh fruit or spices such as cinnamon
  • avoid processed foods that contain added sugar (including fructose), such as cold drinks, baked goods, and sweets
  • making sure you get enough sleep – fatigue can create cravings for sugar
  • eat foods that will make you feel full for a long time, such as protein and whole grains, so you are less likely to look for sugary snacks
  • You can find some sugar reduction tips here.

Important points

  • too much sugar for you, and cutting has health benefits, including helping you avoid tooth decay and weight gain
  • maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  • cutting sugar means that you will avoid ‘running for sugar’ which can leave you feeling tired

6 references
Forum Health Centre [Internet]. [cited 13 December 2020]. Available here
Effects of sugar | Reducing sugar intake – Bupa Global [Internet]. [cited 13 December 2020]. Available here
How to cut down on sugar in your diet [Internet]. [cited 13 December 2020] Available here
Sugar: the facts [Internet]. [cited 13 December 2020] Available here
Quitting sugar: the highs and lows | Bupa Global [Internet]. [cited 13 December 2020] Available here
Coronary heart disease [Internet]. [cited 13 December 2020] Available here

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