When we are choosing our fats, we want to limit the amount of saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol that we select.
These fats are the ones that may bear a threat to the health of our arteries. They are mostly found in the following food:
- fast food and processed foods
- As well as in dairy products, such as butter, cheese, and milk, and meat products,
- And also in coconut oil and palm kernel oil (found in many processed food).
The different saturated fat found yet are twenty-four.
They also help boost your ‘good’ cholesterol level and your thyroid function
When I indulge in saturate fats, it’s usually in the form of a nice piece of Cuban pork or a really delicious burger.
But I don’t eat that way every day.
And things like fast-food burgers?
Well, every once in awhile I’ll get an urge and I’ll go ahead and give in. I get the smallest burger and fries available and enjoy the taste for that moment.
But I always know that within the next thirty minutes, I’ll be nursing my poor belly,
which is the one that takes the hard fall in order for my mouth to enjoy that taste of nostalgia.
But that’s not something I do very often.
If I’m going to eat a burger, I prefer to either make it myself or go to a restaurant or burger joint that makes their burgers from fresh ingredients.
High-quality fresh meats and cheeses still offer your body some nutrition, but fast food is just empty calories.
Speaking of natural versus artificial, there is NOTHING natural about trans fats. They are literally man-made fats, and they are no good.
As we know that All-natural foods spoil at some point.
So food manufacturers figured out a way to create fat that could keep their products
‘fresh’ for months on end.
Basically, they add hydrogen molecules to vegetable oil in order to create this extremely shelf-stable, solid fat.
Margarine and vegetable shortening contain trans fats, and both of those ingredients are used in:
a ton of fast foods and processed foods, especially the kinds of foods you find at convenience stores and petrol stations (crisps, cakes, biscuits, crackers, etc). these fats have no saving graces.
There is NO acceptable amount of trans fat.