Woman Health



Difficulties with breastfeeding are common, especially in the first week after birth. As a rule, the milk, which is present all the time, ‘comes in’ at any time from 24 hours after birth. It is common for the breasts to become engorged early on, but in some cases, there is insufficient supply.



In some women, a few days after delivery the milk supply comes on so quickly that the breasts become swollen, hard, and sore.

This is called engorgement. There is an increased supply of blood and other fluids in the breast as well as milk.


The breasts and nipples may be so swollen that the baby is unable to latch on and suckle. The soreness makes it difficult for you to relax and enjoy your baby.


  • Feed your baby on demand from day 1 until he or she has had enough.
  • Finish the first breast completely; maybe use one side per feed rather than some from each breast Offer the second breast if the baby appears hungry.
  • Soften the breasts before feeds or expressing them with a warm washer or shower, which will help get the milk flowing.
  • Avoid giving the baby other fluids.
  • Express a little milk before putting the baby to your breast (a must if the baby has trouble latching on) and express a little after feeding on the other side if it is too uncomfortable.
  • Massage any breast lumps gently towards the nipple while feeding.
  • Apply cold packs after feeding. Many women use washed, cool, crisp cabbage leaves (left in the refrigerator) between feeds. An opening is left for the nipple and the leaves are usually changed every 2 hours when appropriate. Some women prefer to use hot packs.
  • Wake your baby for a feed if your breasts are uncomfortable or if the baby is sleeping longer than 4 hours.
  • Use a good, comfortable bra.
  • Remove your bra completely before feeding.
  • Take ibuprofen or paracetamol regularly for severe discomfort. Remember that regular feeding is the best treatment for your engorged breasts. Follow your demand and your baby’s demand. As your breasts are used in this way, they gradually become softer and more comfortable


Studies have shown that many women wean because of low milk supply.

The problem is due mainly to lactation mismanagement such as poorly timed feeds, infrequent feeds and poor attachment.

This is sometimes a problem in mothers who tend to be under a lot of stress and find it hard to relax.

A ‘let down’ reflex is necessary to get the milk supply going, and sometimes this reflex is slow.

If there is insufficient supply, the baby tends to demand frequent feeds, may continually suck his or her hand, have hard stools and fewer wet nappies, and will be slow in gaining weight.

Remember that there is always some milk present in your breasts. Mothers tend to underestimate their milk supply.


  • Try to practice relaxation techniques to help condition your ‘let down’ reflex.
  • Put the baby to your breast as often as he or she demands, using the ‘chest to chest, chin on breast’ method.
  • Feed your baby more often than usual.
  • Give at least one night’s feed.
  • Express after feeds, because the emptier the breasts are, the more milk will be produced.
  • Make sure you get adequate rest, eat well, and drink ample fluids, but if you feel overly tired go to your doctor for a check-up
Woman Health



Congratulations on becoming an expectant parent.

Even though you might felt flat and sick at first but this is a very exciting time in your life,

Your baby is very special and deserves every opportunity to get a flying start in life by growing healthily in your womb. Pregnancy is a very normal event in the life cycle and usually goes very smoothly, especially if you have regular medical care.


Antenatal care is considered to be the best opportunity in life for preventive medicine.

It is important to check the many things that can cause problems—these are uncommon but preventable.

A special possible problem is pregnancy-induced hypertension, which can lead to a serious condition called preeclampsia or toxemia of pregnancy, a condition of weight gain, high blood pressure, and kidney stress, which shows up as protein in the urine.

Areas that need to be checked include:

  • The blood count
  • Blood grouping and Rhesus antibodies (Rh factor)
  • Immunity against infections that may affect the baby (e.g. rubella, varicella (chickenpox), hepatitis B and C, HIV)
  • Number of babies (one or more)
  • Size and state of your pelvis
  • Blood pressure
  • Urine (for evidence of diabetes or pre-eclampsia)


  • Progress of the baby (e.g. size of the uterus, heartbeat)
  • Mother’s progress, including emotional state
  • Blood sugar (for possible diabetes)
  • Vitamin D
  • The risk for Down syndrome through first-trimester combined screening test.


The recommended routine is as early as possible and then every 4 to 6 weeks until 28 weeks of pregnancy, then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until the baby arrives (usually 40 weeks).

One should have An ultrasound usually at about 18 weeks.


  • Infections such as rubella, varicella, and genital herpes
  • Diabetes (can develop in pregnancy)
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking—retards fetus growth and should be stopped (if impossible, limit to 3 to 6 cigarettes per day)
  • Alcohol—causes abnormalities, including mental retardation. 
  •  ‘not drinking alcohol is the safest option for the developing fetus’
  • Other social drugs
  • Aspirin and various other drugs (check with your doctor)


Folic acid is now recommended for 4 weeks and preferably 12 weeks before getting pregnant

And then for the first three months after you get pregnant.

No iron tablets are needed if you have a healthy diet and do not have severe morning sickness.




A healthy diet is very important and should contain at least the following daily allowances:

1. Eat most:
• fruit and vegetables (at least 4 serves)
• cereals and bread (4 to 6 serves).

2. Eat moderately:
• dairy products—3 cups (600 mL) of milk or equivalent in yogurt or cheese
• lean meat, poultry or fish—1 or 2 serves (at least 2 serves of red meat per week).

3. Eat least:

  • sugar and refined carbohydrates (e.g. sweets, cakes, biscuits, soft drinks)
  • polyunsaturated margarine, butter, oil and cream.
  • Bran with cereal helps prevent constipation in pregnancy.
  • Drink ample fluids (e.g. 2 litres of water a day).
  • Talk to your doctor about Listeria infection, which is contracted from fresh and unprocessed foods such as soft cheeses, pâté, and unpasteurized milk


  • Trained therapists will advise on antenatal exercises, back care, postural advice, relaxation skills, pain relief in labor, general exercises, and beneficial activities such as swimming.
  • Breastfeeding and nursing mothers Breastfeeding is highly recommended.
  • Contact a local nursing mothers’ group for support and guidance if you need help.


Check with your doctor. Avoid standing in trains. Avoid international air travel after 28 weeks.


You should continue your normal activities. Housework and other activities should be performed to just short of feeling tired. However, get sufficient rest and sleep.


Contact your doctor or seek medical help:

  • If contractions, unusual pain, or bleeding occur before the baby is due
  • when the baby is less active than usual
  • If membranes rupture and a large amount of fluid comes out
  • When you are getting regular contractions 5 to 10 minutes apart. Help is only a telephone call away

Woman Health


In the following topic understanding your menstruation, we will learn and understand the Menstruation in detail.


Menstrual cycle

When we talk about the menstrual cycle the first thing many of us think of is ‘periods’. The period (Menstruation) is just part of a continuous cycle of changes in the body that is regulated by hormones.

The cycle usually begins during the teenage years and continues until menopause, at about the age of 50. The purpose of the menstrual cycle is to prepare the body for reproduction.


The menstrual cycle can vary from woman to woman. For some, it is normal to have a shorter cycle (e.g. 21 days) and for others a longer cycle (e.g. 35 days). The average for all women in the world is 28 days.

normal menstrual cycle

This means that the time of ovulation varies, but the average is the 14th day.

The periods can last from 1 to 8 days, with the average being about 4 to 5 days


The cycle will vary in a woman from time to time. This can be the result of

  • hormonal fluctuations,
  • emotional stress illness,
  • travel
  • sudden weight change or
  • the use of some medicines


Many women will experience problems with their menstrual cycle at some time. The most common problems are

  • period pain,
  • premenstrual tension,
  • irregular periods
  • and very heavy periods.

If you have any problems or questions about your menstrual cycle, discuss them with your doctor


You are most likely to get pregnant between the 8th and the18th day, depending on when you ovulate and how long the sperm remain active. It is useful to know when you ovulate—you may feel a pain in the abdomen and notice that your vaginal mucus changes from jelly-like to watery. Intercourse at this time and for the next 2 days is most likely to result in pregnancy

Source: women’s health


Best Acupressure Points For Better Eyesight

Best Acupressure Points For Better Eyesight
Best Acupressure Points For Better Eyesight

Best Acupressure Points For Better Eyesight To Improve Your Vision

In the following article, we will discuss some Best Acupressure Points For Better Eyesight.

If you are dealing with eye issues, for example, blurry vision, dry eyes, irritation, eye strain, or double vision, you may be thinking about if massaging the acupressure points massage for your eyes can improve your eye health and vision.

Research on the relationship between pressure point massage and eye wellbeing is minimal.

However, it is accepted that massaging specific acupressure points may provide relief to certain intense and chronic eye conditions.

Pressure point massage or acupressure can treat many diseases, even the ones related to the eyes. It can likewise treat many eye illnesses which sometimes can be treated naturally.

Pressure point massage has been effective in treating Myopia (Short-sightedness), Hypermetropia (long-sightedness), cataract, glaucoma, presbyopia, astigmatism, amblyopia, visual blindness, night visual blindness, and many other eye issues. By using the acupressure points correctly, one can treat these eye issues

Here are some of the most significant acupressure points for better eyesight to improve your vision:

1. Nostril Points :

Acupressure Nostril Points are useful to clear your Vision. The Nostril Points are situated close to your Nostrils on the two sides. You can find the Nostril Points close by your Nostrils.

Find the Nostril Points and apply delicate pressure on Acupressure Nostril Points with your index fingers. Remember that you are required to massage both Nostril Points simultaneously (at the same time).

Apply light pressure on both Nostril Points and massage the points for five minutes regularly. Applying pressure on Acupressure Nostril Points will be useful to heal Nasal issues, Sinus Congestion, reduce Headache, and improves the clearness of vision.

2. Surround The Eyes :

To loosen up the eye muscles, relieve yourself from cerebral pains and remove the solidness in your neck, back, shoulders, and the entire body, use the acupressure point.

You will discover this point around the socket of the eyes. Place your index and center finger on your eyebrows. Rotate them on the edges of your bone. Press delicately while rotating for 5 minutes.

Try it consistently to keep your eyes calm and healthy.

3. Third eye point:

Acupressure Third EyePoint is a well-known and popular pressure point and is also useful to Improve Eyesight. The Third Eye Point is situated between the two eyebrows.

You can recognize the Third Eye Point exactly in the middle of your two eyebrows or above the Bridge of the Nose.

Find the Third Eye Point and apply slight pressure on it. You have to use your thumb to apply pressure on the Third Eye Point.

Massage with delicate pressure of your thumb on Acupressure Third Eye Point for five to six minutes. Applying pressure on the Third Eye point regularly will improve the vision, reduce the stress from the Eyes, and heal the Headache.

4. Tips of The Thumbs:

Massaging the tips of the thumbs may help improve your eye sight and relax your eyes.

Here’s the way to do it.

  • Sit on a seat and relax.
  • With the tip of your correct thumb, rub or massage the tip of your left thumb.
  • Do it for 5 minutes.

5. Tips Of The Big Toes:

This massage helps relax and increase blood circulation. Follow these steps to massage the tip of the big toe.

  • Sit on a seat.
  • Place your right leg to your left side.
  • Spot your left thumb on the tip of the right big toe.
  • Press tenderly or use a round motion to massage the big toe.
  • Do likewise with your left big toe too.
  • Do it for 10 minutes.

6. Edge Of Eyes:

You will discover this acupressure point on the internal edge of the eyes, close to the bridge of the rose.

So, You have to press these points with your index fingers.

You can likewise use a thumb and index finger to apply more pressure on these points.

And You should be careful so as not to contact the eyeballs. Use this regularly for 3 to 5 minutes to have a clear vision.

7. Above The Eyebrows:

This point is broadly used while migraines or headaches are persistent. It has a magical method of relieving pain and gives an awesome feeling after the massage.

This point lies over your eye and underneath your eyebrows. Use both your thumbs to place pressure in this space and massage it along the bone for 3 minutes and moving side to side.

It not only relieves headaches but also works incredibly for a stiff back or stiff neck.

Source: lets healtify


Bacteria the good Microbacteria


HOW DOES IT MAKE you feel when I say the word bacteria?

If you are the type who carries a bottle of hand sanitizer in your purse and keep an extra in the car just in case, you might already feel creepy-crawly.

If you are the ‘five-second rule’ type who will eat popcorn off the kitchen floor, you probably didn’t cringe at all.

Either way, the fact is that planet Earth, the natural habitat of humans, is also the natural habitat of bacteria including micro bacteria.

The ground is full of bacteria. The water is full of bacteria? You.

                     UH, WHAT???

It’s true.

Different species of micro bacteria are residents of every corner on this planet, from the brainstem on the staircase you used this morning to the deepest, hottest, most inhospitable places near volcanic vents at the bottom of the ocean to the spot just behind your left ear.

bacteria five second rule
five second rule

Every layer of our world is full of micro bacteria, including your skin and your digestive system, and no amount of hand sanitizer will get rid of them. And that’s OK.

In fact, it’s more than OK, because the bacteria in our world help support life as we know it.

CHECK IT OUT: a billion or so years ago, the Air on this planet was a poisonous mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Nitrogen is harmless, but if we breathe in too much carbon dioxide it can kill us.

Lucky for us, a group of bacteria called Cyanobacteria helped shift the balance of the air on earth from deadly fume to the oxygen mix that we breathe today.

bacteria type cyanobacteria


Without the cyanobacteria, this planet would never have been able to support our lives in the first place. And cyanobacteria still help us today by turning the carbon dioxide that we exhale back into the oxygen that we’ll need to breathe on the next inhale.

               Bacteria are our friends


Your body is made of trillions of human cells and is also home to trillions of bacteria-little single-cell, living organisms.

The bacteria that live in your body are sometimes the kind that gives you a stomachache, but more importantly, there are other kinds that lend support to your immune system, your digestive system, and your cardiovascular system.


Your body is basically a small civilization of bacteria: more than one hundred trillion of them.

In fact, you have ten times more bacterial cells in your body than human cells.

Ten times! Your nose is a neighborhood for at least three types of bacteria. Your ears have their own bacteria that can make themselves at home there. This is called your microbiome.

The bacteria that make up your microbiome are alive, just like you, but unlike you, they have only one cell each.

They are so tiny that you could line up a thousand of them on a row and they would still fit on a pencil eraser.

And there are enough of them in your body that if you could gather them all up and put them together on the scale, they would weigh around one and a half kilograms, roughly the same weight as a toy Chihuahua.

Before you let your yuk factor kick in, pause and think about this:

  • that colonization is part of why your skin doesn’t crack,
  • why your immune system can fight off other types of bacteria,
  • why your body can digest that sandwich you had for lunch
  • and why it can extract the nutrient from the rocket salad you had alongside it.

And here’s is something even cooler: nobody’s bacterial makeup is exactly the same.

Your microbiome, your own personal composition of the microbiota, is unlikely yours.