
Perleche treatment home remedies

  1. The treatment of perleches, as well as in the treatment of herpes, can help a good folk remedy as sulfur from the ears. you can get it with a cotton swab and immediately lubricate it to places where there are perleches.
  2. To get rid of perleches on the lips you can also try using thermal water or chapstick made on its basis. Just spray affected areas on your lips with thermal water or greased lipstick several times a day.
  3. What else can help in the treatment of perleches, is lubrication with oil solution of Vitamins A and E, petroleum jelly, melted beeswax, goose fat, sea buckthorn, linseed and olive oil, rosehip oil and avocado, tea tree oil, and also make lotions of such infusions herbs like chamomile, celandine, succession, sage, and calendula. To soften the perleches in the corners of the mouth is recommended to lubricate them with honey and butter.
  4. The next folk remedy against perleches is rubbing them with the juice squeezed from the leaves of a houseplant kalanchoe, juice from fresh stems and leaves of celandine, plantain, and buttercup, and cut a slice of garlic.

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