Dental Plaque is a sticky film on the enamel, tongue, and cheeks. There are no special reasons for its appearance there. Sooner or later, it occurs in every human being. Even oral hygiene does not give any guarantee. Already after 2 hours after brushing again, bacterias accumulate. While dental plaque appears in a state of rest, i.e. when a person does not eat does not speak, and generally does not move the jaw. At this time, microbes peacefully evolve. Each of you has noticed such plaque in the morning. Because at night, it develops the fastest.
Brown plaque is a consequence of smoking. Because of the tar and nicotine, the white film becomes yellowish and then has a brownish tint. The process of smoking damages enamel, which is why such plaque appears much faster on extremely rare occasions you can notice a green film. The reason for its formation may be microbes that are in the process of life produce chlorophyll, which as you remember from the school course of biology has a green tint and is responsible for the color of plants. Such bacteria are the weakest of all those that can live in the mouth because the alkali in the saliva very quickly clamps them down.
Therefore, usually, children have such plaque because their teeth do not have such powerful protection yet. Also, people who are addicted to different kinds of chewing tobacco know well about the green slimy film on the teeth.
Should you get rid of the plaque?
No one will argue about the necessity of daily oral hygiene. Exactly a toothbrush is the main tool to combat the unpleasant adhesive film.
Plaque is the root cause of all oral cavity diseases. Take into account the consequences that you may get from the plaque:
Bad breath
The remains on the teeth cause bad breath or rather the bacteria out of which they are largely composed. The bacteria emit hydrogen sulfide. This gas is more s contained in any unpleasant human odor, and in a pure form, it has the smell of rotten eggs. Even if you won’t brush your teeth a couple of times, bad breath will immediately appear. If you constantly brush your teeth, using additional means of oral hygiene, such as rinse and dental floss, and the smell is still there, even shortly after cleaning, you should pay attention to your teeth. Often the cause of bad breath is problems with the stomach, kidneys, and intestine.
An odontolith
In case of insufficient oral hygiene, problems with salt metabolism in the body, and irregularities in the process of chewing food, the usual plaque can harden and go to a more complex stage of the disease- an odontolith. You won’t be able to remove it at home, and if you left it to itself, it can cause more serious problems. An odontolith prevents the penetration of saliva
Mindful skincare routine