



Stone therapy is a kind of healing massage with elements of reflexotherapy and thermotherapy. Stone therapy can strengthen the immune system of the body, accelerate the metabolism, reduce the appearance of cellulite. The body becomes more fit, and the skin gets elastic. And it also has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, immune, and endocrine systems of the body. Such a massage is useful as well as for women and as for men; sometimes there are used cool stones. sometimes hot and cool stones are combined. For example, almost all the massage is performed with hot stones, and then the procedure ends with cool stones. It is done, probably in order to tone up the skin.


Where did the stone treatment come from?

This unusual type of massage has eastern origins. People there for many centuries have known that the stone contains many healing properties and carries positive energy. For thousands of years, eastern doctors and beauties have used the power of stones for medical and cosmetic purposes. But officially, stone therapy appeared only in 1993, it was presented by massage therapist Mary Nelson.


What kind of stones are most often used?

For the massage are used natural stones (preferably of volcanic origin), usually, in shape, they are flat and smooth. Only such stones are able to keep the heat for a long time inside, and they are also rich in the presence of iron, magnesium, and other useful microelements. A flat and smooth surface provides a large area to contact with the skin.

There are many varieties of stones, but most often are used:


Stones of sleep and rest (used in the spa). Such a stone promotes the internal relaxation of muscles and their warming up. With the massage the body relaxes, sometimes you can fall asleep, right on the massage table.


Suitable, if there is any inflammation or if the fever needs to be removed. Such stones are consist of limestones sedimentary rock and are perfectly stimulate and tonify the entire body.


It has a positive impact on the human’s energy; gives a sense of harmony and strengthens the nervous system.


Often used in face massage techniques. It is believed that it absorbed negative energy and after each massage, the nephrite needs to be washed with running water.


How the procedure of stone therapy is performed?

The light is not bright, candles are lit with a pleasant scent of lavender, mint, or other aromatic oils. Another mandatory condition is relaxing music.

First, take a couple of well-warmed large stones and place them on your body so the heat penetrated deep into the tissue and warmed the painful zones to relax the muscles for the following procedure. Then, there is a massage with hot stones: apply an aromatic oil to the body and start massaging it with hot stones in sliding movements. The procedure lasts about 40-90 minutes. It is pretty enough to relax as much as possible. This is not a quick massage if it comes as an independent procedure. But as an element of other massages, stone therapy can be used for 10-15 minutes.


People who suffer from arterial pressure need to be careful with this procedure because heat increases the blood pressure in the capillaries quite heavily. Stone therapy is not recommended for pregnant women and for people with various skin diseases. In the case of exexacerbation of bronchial asthma, acute infectious diseases, and oncological diseases, this method of treatment should not be used. This procedure is contraindicated for people with thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, and kidney disease.


Perform your own stone therapy at home:

Nowadays these massage techniques are scattered all over the world and are considered very popular, so there is a lot of information on the internet where you can find stone massage lessons for home use.  In this case, you’ll need to purchase a set of stones and a healing element.   

Such sts you can use at home: you should heat the stones to a temperature of 47 to 55-celsius degree (the most convenient size of the stones is slightly less than your palm; the minimum number of stones in the set is about eight pieces). In traditional techniques, there are used about 20 stones during one procedure. In stone therapy, the spine is not massaged: first, put large stones on the feet and palms, and on the back. After the necessary area is warmed up, you need to oil it and start the massage.

Stones combined the harmony and strength of the four elements: ground, wind, water, and the sun. they contain natural energy accumulated over the years, which is why the procedures of stone therapy are so pleasant and useful.

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