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Upset stomach with no apparent cause? What is it, and how to deal with them

It feels uncomfortable in your stomach. It is not heartburn but is related to eating. Sometimes the discomfort begins during a meal; sometimes, it starts about 30 minutes afterward. Bloating, early satiety or loss of appetite, feeling full or burning pain in your stomach, loud growling or gurgling, and gas; other common symptoms include acid reflux, heartburn, excessive burping, etc. You are feeling nauseated, and you may even vomit. Dyspepsia is what doctors call an upset stomach or indigestion. Dyspepsia is diagnosed as functional when no cause can be found by standard tests (1). Doctors sometimes need help understanding the reasons for their occurrence. There may be a connection between the brain and nerves.

Several over-the-counter and prescription medications can be used to treat dyspepsia, including antacids, antagonists of the H-2 receptor, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), prokinetics, antibiotics, and antidepressants (2).

Diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and psychological therapy can be helpful when there is no clear medical solution (3).

Maintain a healthy diet

  • Symptom-triggering foods should be avoided. The most common triggers are caffeine, fried foods, chocolate, onions, garlic, and alcohol, as well as spicy, acidic, and fatty foods.
  • Soda should be replaced with water.
  • Smaller, more frequent meals are recommended to prevent stomach distension and to allow it to empty more quickly. Empty stomachs can sometimes contribute to functional dyspepsia. Consider having a cracker or a fruit snack as a snack instead of a large meal.
  • Make sure you chew your food thoroughly and slowly.
  • Avoid Drinking carbonated beverages, smoking, chewing gum, eating quickly, and chewing gum that will cause you to swallow excess air.
  • Within two hours of eating, avoid lying down.
  • Late-night snacks should be avoided.

Relax and reduce stress

  • Relaxation therapies can be used to reduce stress.
  • Exercise is important. Besides being good for your health, it also reduces stress.
  • Engage in hobbies, sports, and other activities to reduce stress.
  • Consider cognitive behavioral therapy. Chronic indigestion can adversely affect a person’s quality of life and overall well-being. Some people may find it helpful to seek counseling for these issues.

Reducing fatigue

  • Make sure you get enough sleep.
  • Set a regular time for getting up and going to bed.
  • Caffeine should be avoided afternoon.

Lifestyle alternatives

  • Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • The head of the bed should be raised
  • If you smoke, try to stop or avoid it

Engaging in physical activity

  • Exercise aerobically three to five times a week for 20 to 40 minutes each time.
  • Exercise after eating should be avoided.





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